Sunday, December 28, 2008

Mulled wine and hot sausages- Christmas markets in Munich and Regensburg

Marionplatz in the middle of Munich was heaving with heavily wrapped people, carrying beutifully wrapped presents, and leaning aginst temporary outdoor tables, drinking heavily aromatic and enticing mulled wine, or gluhwein. In spite of the warmth of the crowd, we were experiencing our first night of European winter- it was cold enough to freeze my nose. We paid for E2.50 for a steaming cupful of the spicy hot wine, and joined the cheerful crowds.
Every Christmas market we visited had stalls selling this essential winter drink, and we did sample many versions, in the interests of research of course, but the first sip on that cold night, with the beautiful Christmas lights all around us was memorable.

In Regensberg we enjoyed the market set among the coloured and undamaged facades of the town square. The market here was small but had high quality jewellery, lovely felt hats, and charming ornaments, as well as the gluhwein, hot sausages and huge rolls of fresh cinnamon bread sticks. These people with a single rose were off to a wedding.

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