Friday, October 24, 2008

Trying to be a good blogger

Trying to be a good blogger means taking the time to sit and write. I have learned that today when the excitement of all the new places, the effect of the heat, and the continual moving on, caught up with me. I took to me bed (in a 16th century palace) while Danielle and Rosemary drank coffee and explored Evora, our first town in Portugal. My resolution is to now catch up and send off a few blogs, and even attach some photos, if we can find a cyber cafe which allows me to plug in my flash drive.

In the meantime the sun is shining across Placa de Giralda, the tables are full of people having a cool drink, I shall go and join my mates, and relish just being here.

1 comment:

  1. 'Tis hard to write a lot while on holiday Mum, but you're doing a great job :-)

    Would love to see some more photos if poss
